The EDC works hard to provide important, unbiased information that will help our businesses make the best decisions for them. The EDC reports are listed below with a brief description.
Island County Profile
This annually updated report provides a snapshot overview of Island County, including important information such as demographic and workforce statistics, transportation and education options, recreation facilities, and much more.
Island County Demographics Report
Demographics play an integral role in any local economy. For instance, the goods and services needed to support a family with young children differs dramatically from those needed for a retired couple. This report presents basic demographic data about Island County so the reader can gain an understanding of how demographics might affect their local area.
Island County Living Wage Report
What is a living wage in Island County? Which business sector pays that wage? What sectors have poverty level wages? Island County is unique. From shipbuilding to farming, furniture making to medical device manufacturing, the county has a large mix of businesses and occupations with a broad scale of wages. Only information from a local level could possibly address this diversity.
Island County Retail Leakage and Surplus Analysis
The Retail Leakage and Surplus Analysis examines the quantitative aspect of Island County's retail opportunities. While this is a guide to understanding retail opportunities in the County, it’s not an analysis that indicates unconditional opportunities.
Island County Seasonal Housing Report
ISLAND COUNTY is a unique area well known for its exceptional quality of life for Island residents and tourists alike. Island County enjoys the moderating effects of water and sheltering mountains to provide a mild, temperate climate. This and other natural attributes make Island County an ideal destination for vacationers, from its numerous national and state parks—including the most visited state park in Washington, Deception Pass State Park—to its wide offering of outdoor recreation, such as hiking, camping, and boating.
It is well known by Island County residents that the county has a large number of weekend and vacation homes. What’s not known is how many. By using Census information we can get a rough estimate of how many of these housing units are for seasonal or recreational use.
Taxable Retail Sales
This interactive tool makes interpreting trends in taxable retail sales across industries. Simply plug in the NAICS code for whichever industry you're interested in, and you can see the quarterly retail sales results to compare them.
Summary Taxable Retail Sales (Q1 2022)
This Excel file uses data from the Washington State Dept of Revenue to show summary business sector sales in Unincorporated Island County, Coupeville, Langley and Oak Harbor.
Detailed Taxable Retail Sales (Q1 2022)
This Excel file uses data from the Washington State Dept of Revenue to show detailed business sector sales in Unincorporated Island County, Coupeville, Langley and Oak Harbor.
Major Employers of Island County
This list includes self-reported data from both public and private employers in Island County.
Download 2023 Major Employers of Island County
Download 2022 Major Employers of Island County
Northwest Workforce Council Regional Workforce Plan 2020-2024
Northwest Workforce Council Regional Workforce Plan 2020-2024
Northwest Washington Labor Market Review
Note: Reports are available up to May 2023.
Webinar Resources “State of the local labor market: Pandemic edition” on April 8, 2021 with Anneliese Vance-Sherman, Ph.D., Regional Labor Economist, Washington Employment Security Department.
Video can be viewed at
Economic Impacts of Travel to Island County
Island County Agricultural Profile
(2017 USDA Census)